30 October 2013

OEM Information & Logo - Windows XP

You can import your customized OEM Information and Logo unattended, we'll show you how in this guide.

To do this, you need to create 2 files - oeminfo.ini and oemlogo.bmp
» oeminfo.ini

Open Notepad and Copy and Paste the following example, then edit it accordingly:
Manufacturer=MSFN Unattended XP CD
[Support Information]
Line1=Support Contact: chandrapalsharma95@gmail.com

Save it as oeminfo.ini
» oemlogo.bmp

Create a new image with a pixel size of 182 x 115 (width x height), customize your logo to how you would want it to look. Name the image file oemlogo.bmp.
NOTE: The MSFN Forums has a lot of discussion about the recommended image size for oemlogo.bmp. This guide used to recommend an image size of 180 x 114 (width x height). The following is quoted directly from the Setup Manager dialog of the Windows XP SP2 OEM Preinstallation Kit (OPK):
Your logo graphic (Oemlogo.bmp) must be no larger than 172 by 100 pixels. Larger graphics will be cropped, and smaller ones will be centered.
One color of the oemlogo.bmp image will be transparent, which means instead of displaying that color, the current System Properties dialog color is used. To designate the transparency color, edit all four corner pixels of oemlogo.bmp to be the exact RGB index (e.g. 0:0:0 for black, 255:255:255 for white, etc) for the desired color. Older Microsoft documentation states that only one pixel: x=0,y=0 (located on the upper left corner) needs to be so colored, some MSFN members (perhaps using different language versions of Windows XP ) have reported that coloring different corner pixels worked for them. To be sure, color all four corner pixels the same RGB index that should be transparent and all bases will be covered—it only costs 4 pixels that most likely do not contain any meaningful part of the image. If image transparency is undesirable, just edit these 4 pixels to use a color that is not used anywhere else in the image, or create a 1-pixel wide border of that color around the image.
NOTE: In order for image transparency to work, the image must be saved as either an 8-bit (256 color) or a 4-bit (128 color) indexed bitmap file. Many digital image editing software applications default to saving bitmap images as 48-bit (also called True Color). While these images will display in the System Properties dialog, the transparency feature will not work with them.
NOTE: The oemlogo.bmp will not work at all without the presence of an oeminfo.ini file.
» Testing your OEM Information & Logo

Copy both files into your Windows System32 Folder (usually C:\Windows\System32\) and open up your System Properties box to see the changes. Edit your files again until you are happy with it.
» Importing your OEM Information & Logo Automatically

We can use the $OEM$ Distribution folders to do this. Create a sub-folder called $$ if one doesn't exist already, then create another sub-folder within $$ called System32. For example:


Copy both oeminfo.ini and oemlogo.bmp to the System32 folder explained above. When Windows XP Setup is run, both of these files will be automatically copied to Windows' System32 directory, no matter what the Windows folder is called.

» Conclusion

If you done everything correctly, your System Properties box should look something like this:

Manufacturer=MSFN Unattended XP CD
[Support Information]
Line1=Support Contact: chandrapalsharma95@gmail.com