10 February 2014

Measure Pixels Online With This Free Browser Tool

MeasureIt is a browser extension for Chrome,Firefox and Safari to measure pixels online.This is a very useful extension if you are a blogger or web developer.MeasureIt allows you to draw a ruler across the screen to measure the width and height.A translucent overlay comes across the screen while measuring to avoid clicks.
This tool will be very useful when you want to:
  •  measure website component size without even looking at the original source code
  • measure header images of websites
  • design a responsive website
  • re-size your site components
  • before applying padding styles in CSS for your website
Free Download Links

Keyboard Shortcuts 

Use the below screenshot for keyboard shortcuts for your measure it tool.

keyboard shortcuts for measureit

How To Remove The MeasureIt Overlay In Chrome Without Refreshing The Page

  1. Once you completed measuring open chrome developer tools by right clicking and opening Inspect Element tools or click Ctrl + Shift + I
  2. You will see a code like this <div id="measureit">

  3. Right click on the code and click on Delete Node to delete the entire measure it overlay code.

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