Google Adsense is a great way to make money with your site.Earning a decent income every month is a dream for many bloggers.This dream can be easily achieved if you have a good CPC and a good CTR.Making a decent income every month can be very difficult even with a good CTR if your CPC is low.Adsense allows you to block 500 advertisers.Many people uses this feature to block low paying ad networks.Although it seems to be right,it is not actually good.
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How Adsense Auction Works?
Since there are thousand of ad networks competing for some space in your site,it works by bidding.The highest bidder for the ad space wins the auction.However it also depends on the quality score of the ad network.That means highest bidder not always wins the auction.For better understanding the topic I recommend you to watch the video below.Why You Should Not Block?
Blocking the ad networks reduces the participation of ad networks in auction.This will actually result in getting paid low.However you may block a very limited number of ad networks that going for the whole 500.
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